License and code availability for mobile app

Hello! In the early stages of checking out this project, and I was looking for the code/licensing for the mobile app.

Is this available in the github repos? I’m assuming I’m missing something obvious here.

I was also wondering if the app is available on fDroid - I searched for it there and didn’t find anything, but again, this could also be my oversight.


Thanks for checking out PiFi and for your interest in the mobile app’s licensing and availability. I’ve published the firmware source on GitHub under the GPLv2 license, but the mobile app’s code isn’t open yet. I’m taking a phased approach—my plan is to open‑source it, but I don’t have a specific release date right now - have posted a bit about it in docs under current status - PiFi - Open Source & Current Status

I’ve also heard a few requests to make the app available on fDroid. It’s definitely on my radar, but for now it’s not listed there. Once I make more progress on documentation (and the app code is public), I’ll revisit fDroid distribution. I appreciate your questions, and please let me know if there’s anything else I can clarify and you can also reach me at if you prefer.

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Hello, Paul!

That all sounds good, and reasonable.

FWIW, I did a static analysis of the Android app using MobSF and nothing stood out as remotely problematic, which is awesome!

My .02 - listing the app on fDroid would get some visibility for the project among folks who are inclined to appreciate this work. It’s definitely extra effort to maintain multiple distribution points, but while fDroid is a smaller number of people than the app store, they are (in my non-scientific, highly subjective) opinion more likely to understand and appreciate this project.

I’ll do some experimentation over the next week, and will definitely follow up! Thanks for your response here, and thank you for your work on this project.

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