Problems with 5G Wifi

Hi folks!

I just setup my PiFi this week using:

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
  • Waveshare Hat (for an extra ethernet port)
  • TP-Link Archer T3U Plus AC1300

And everything works out of the box.

But I’m noticing that I lose my WiFi 5G connection sometimes. Last night my 5G connect just get disabled and I need to enabled if again on LuCi Dashboard. Sometimes I notice that the 5G connection just drop for some minutes.

I didn’t notice any problems with my WiFi 4G or the ethernet.

So, my question is: How can I debug to find where is the problem? There are some log files that I can check?

I was thinking about power issues with my cable and charger, but is the same that I used before in another project. And my lan and 4G connection don’t show any problems… So I’m kind of lost here. :slight_smile:


To find system logs, visit in your browser whilst connected to PiFi then:

  • Sign in with whichever password you set in the app during setup
  • Then tap Status > System Log

Couple of quick things that would be handy to know:

  1. When you say WiFi 5G - does this mean the 5Ghz access point from your Raspberry Pi (by default, PiFi 4 Setup but possible renamed)?

  2. When you say WiFi 4G - what is that network? (2.4Ghz network? Is this on Raspberry Pi or TP-Link?)

  3. Are you using PiFi USB also or just the software-only version?


:battery: Pro Tip: You mentioned power, and that is a good place to start, Pi 4 without any accessories - such as USB peripherals or HATs, needs a minimum of 5v3a adapter or higher. With accessories, higher is better. And networks dropping due to insufficient power can certainly happen.

  1. Yes. I’m using the 5Ghz and 4Ghz. And I renamed both of connections.
  2. I was talking about the 4Ghz network that I enabled using the Pifi app. I’m not sure if this is on rsapberry pi or the tp-link.
  3. Just the software. All the other hardware it was I described on the original post.

I believe that your HAT is being confused for a USB adapter which has led to the app offering you to turn on 2.4G network.

Here’s why:

  1. Raspberry Pi only has one wireless radio, it can broadcast either 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz (by defaults it’s 5Ghz which I’d recommend)

  2. If PiFi App showed/allowed you to try and enable a 2.4Ghz network, and you have no USB adapter I assume it’s mistaking your HAT as an adapter and that’s why that option is showing

  3. If you’re stuck on 2.4Ghz or it’s unstable I’d recommend doing a quick factory reset and sticking with the default 5Ghz network (of course you can name it whatever you’d like)

But it can’t broadcast both 2.4Ghz + 5Ghz at the same time with no additional wireless hardware. It can do that only with PiFi Kit - I assume the app may have mistaken the HAT as an adapter.