What is the best way to properly shut down my RPi4 without the risk of blowing the SD Card?
So far I have only come up with the option to SSH into the Pi and use the poweroff command, but that’s almost what we Germans call ‘von hinten durch die Brust ins Auge’, i.e. doing something in a very complicated way that should be easily achievable
I tend to power it off the old fashioned way of disconnecting the power supply
When I first started testing the firmware, ext4 caused issues with corruption, but now it’s a SquashFS-based version OpenWRT so the filesystem is generally read-only, which has way less risk of corruption compared to a ext4 when powering off and generally corruption shouldn’t be super common
If it’s desired I can add a Shut Down option to the app under reset options to save using the SSH method if desired?
Agreed, I just sent in some feedback requesting the same feature in the app for my RPi 4. Thanks for asking this, I’ve been looking for the answer to this in the documentation for half an hour.